Wednesday, October 18, 2006

knp gw jd ngerasain itu?


Gw BUBAR ma tmn2 SMP gt..n g ikt yg brg2 Xkul gw,,pdhl kn ada kue tart,huhu..

Tdnya mw djmpt ma tu orang..Eh,,mlh tmn gw yg dtg..Dissapointed c..Udah mn bawa motornya ugal2an..

Acaranya lum.sukses...Ft2,,ktawa2,flash back gt..Untung gw dtg..

When i was beside him
I never know my feeling bout him..
I hope,,i just admire him as my hero,no more,i dont wanna feel love 2 him!!

I met my 1st love there
He is still like that,2 cold..
He didnt talk anything to me(sorry,,u're just my past!ALtough i never been ur girl)

I met 1 again..

Someone,I ever like him,,not love...

My Dear Dee,,
I'm so sorry..I ever thought bout another boy,,
Make me sure that our love will gwrow 4ever..


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dee,what happen with us??


Knp c brantem mulu gn?? pgn bgd lari dr smua ini..
Gw pgn pnya khdpn yg lbh smpurna
Y 4JJI,,maafin aq...

Harusnya km ngrti knp aq jd gn..
Km sibuk..dqt2 jd panitia,,ssh bgd y pnya co ngeTOP?
N aq cm ordinary girl..still senior high school pula..

Aq hrz gmn??
U have a new world
N aq ttp hrz jlnin smuanya!

Aq kgn ma bestiest 
Aq kpgn blq k ms2 itu..
Waktu mrk msh dsmpg aq
Waktu mrk slalu support aq

Km blg,,km tkt aq mrh,,knp??
Jgn bqn aq nangis lg,,pliz

..with luv..